Wonderfully wet Wednesday

I'm a bit late in posting this ... since I started it on Wed and now  it's Friday today and Im on the "catch up"  !

My big boy went back to school today after having his tonsils and adenoids out a couple of Fridays ago. 
It's funny because as much as I couldn't wait for him to get back to school, I didn't really want him to go back so soon.....yet he was the one who desperately wanted to get back and see his friends and  what he was missin out on. 
So...we rushed to get ready, as I had not been as organised as usual, and had left the lunch-making until about 3 mins before we were due out of the door..(out of routine...I'll use that as an excuse!).

Ash jumps in, belts himself in... I "shove" kendyl into her car seat...strap her in....Get in and strap myself in,
Turn the key.................................................nothing
I try again.....................................................still nothing
Awww great...flat battery, and we only have a limited time to make it to school before the bell goes. Plus it's assembly day today so if you're late, it means walking in when everyone else is already there...."shame!".

So, I have to run in the rain, open hubbys garage, gt on the ride-on lawnmower, wedge it between the picnic table and my car...attach juimperleads, jumpstart the car...unattach leads...put mower back in the shed...close shed, run back to car.....and then I am soaked through!  arrgghh..

So.....Asher gets to school late.....and Kendyl and I go to Playcentre (which is right next door to Ashers' school), Me, uncomfortably wet through.  This makes for a "YUCK" Playcentre day!
When the sun did finally come out...there was steam coming off me as I sat in the sandpit with a bunch of kids!  I was literally...."Steaming" :)

So, that was my Wednesday.  I was glad to get home from Playcentre, put Kendyl down for a sleep and relaxed in a gorgeous HOT bubbly bath with the music on!! :))  Pure BLLIISSS! :)

The cool thing about today was that the Persimmon stand was open!! Woohoo!  I had to stop and get 2 bags of them....delicious!


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